
Showing posts from October, 2012

6 months post op...and exciting updates!

6 months. Woo hoo! Here I am over halfway to my 1 year post-op AN-niversary. I love being able to say that. 6 months! 6 months and I feel whole again and healthy and am embracing life and cherishing the little things with more tenacity than I ever did prior to May 11th. To mark this happy occasion, I went to my home away from home, the Cleveland Clinic, to check in with my favorite doc. Since my right eye still wasn't behaving the last time I met with her over the summer, she wanted to see me back this month to make sure that I really was 100%. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't strange driving back up to the clinic after so long. After my last followup, part of me felt like I was finally closing that chapter on my life. Tumor's gone. Case closed. But being back on the road to the Cleveland Clinic felt like I was reliving those crazy moments all over again. The anxious, sweaty-palmed drive up there in the 4:00am darkness on the morning of May 11th. The week long rolle...