February 29, 2012

Rough day today. It doesn't entirely have to do with my tumor so I guess it doesn't really have a place on this blog. Actually, it doesn't have anything to do with it. But I've found that now whenever something bad happens I tell myself something along the lines of "Oh great, such and such just happened AND I have a brain tumor" or "As if having a brain tumor wasn't enough, now I have to deal with so and so." This is probably not a healthy way of living. I'll need to address this. But in the meantime, back to my rough day. Today I found out that not only did I not get the job that I applied for and was really thrilled about AND felt that I was super-qualified for, I also got my hours cut at my current job. That's right. Two low blows in the span of one afternoon. And let me be clear, I was super-qualified for this position. This wasn't one of those shot-in-the-dark job applications where you know you really don't fit the requir...