Scar-y stuff

Today as I browsing through some of the older discussion topics on the ANA forum, I stumbled upon some pictures kindly posted by fellow AN-ers. Post-op pictures. Pictures of shaved heads and stapled incisions and bruised stomachs with 3 inch long scars. Honestly, it was a bit like flipping through Frankenstein's photo album. Now, I know I shouldn't be surprised. Or slightly horrified. I know with any major surgery comes scarring and that I'm not going to get out of this situation without a few physical reminders of what went down in the OR. But I have purposefully avoided looking at pictures of what the post-op incision sites look like. Mainly because they kind of gross me out. And make the situation entirely too real for my liking. This is another area where I'm fine with just having a vague, foggy idea of what my head will look like after getting drilled into. Scared (Or perhaps scarred? For life!) Or at least I was. I guess my curiosity finally got the...