4 months post-op...then and now

Routines are funny things. It seems like we're always desperate to escape them. We count down the days until our vacations, find exciting new jobs, finally try that odd recipe that calls for cherimoya (cheri-what?). Perhaps finally take the plunge (quite literally) and go skydiving. And here's the funny thing. Once those moments are over and done with and we get swallowed right back up into our daily grind, those moments seem like they never happened. Like they're only genuine memories if we really take the time to convince ourselves that they are. That's exactly how I feel about my surgery now that I'm nearly four months out. Now that I'm more or less back into the swing of things, it almost seems like it never happened at all. Which is crazy when I think of all the blood, sweat, and tears that went into this ordeal. Of course I'm still dealing with the few remaining "souvenirs" of the experience (more on those in just a second) but I'm happ...