So about that hearing aid... looks like there may be a bit of a delay in acquiring it.

Here's what went down this past Friday.

Last week, I had my consultation with the audiologist. She's a local provider, unlike Dr. Woodson, so instead of hiking back up to Cleveland for the zillionth time, I took a ten minute drive down the road. A nice change of  pace. I was the only person at the office at 10:00 in the morning which meant my wait time was only 5 minutes and Dr. Bonko (yup, that's her name, no lie) herself came and escorted me to the back. She actually relocated from Cleveland two years ago so she is familiar with Dr. Woodson and the rest of the gang up there.

Anywho, we had chatted earlier in the week on the phone about my interest in the Phonak Cros so all of the sample models were laid out and ready to go when I got there. The entire meeting only lasted about ten minutes since I'd already had my hearing test, knew exactly what I wanted and she already had a specific model in mind for me--the Audeo S III, one of the behind-the-ear models. Things were actually truckin' along quite smoothly until she told me the price : $1950! And then told me that insurance does NOT cover any of it.  (Unless your insurance plan has a hearing aid rider which mine, of course, does not. I feel like the ridiculousness of that deserves a whole 'nother entry to be addressed.)

Now, granted, $1950 is not a enormous amount of money to spend in exchange for some semblance of normal hearing. Especially when that amount covers not only the hearing device but a 2 year warranty and free "tune-ups" and appointments for that two years as well. And especially when BAHA devices go for thousands more and require surgery and a three month waiting period before it can be used.
However, since I still haven't progressed past the "poor grad student" phase of my life, $1950 may as well be $5000. The hospital that the audiologist is affiliated with does provide a same as cash eighteen month payment plan which is looking really good right now. One hundred dollars a month sounds much more doable than forking over almost two grand.

Still, it looks like it may be a few more weeks (months?) before I actually purchase it. Apologies for the delay as I know some of you were looking forward to hearing a review of the product. I will keep you all apprised of the situation and, hopefully, it'll be sooner rather than later.

Keep on turtlin'!

**Btw, are there any other Mid-Westerners out there who lost power from the storm last weekend? We were out of power for five days in the 90 degree heat!**


  1. Hi Amanda, sorry to hear the insurance isn't covering the Baha. You really have a talent with words, have you thought of getting your blog published (Magazines etc...) May be a way to raise funds, and also share your story? Just a thought. WCR.

    1. Hi WCR!
      I've had a few people suggest publishing or writing a book since I've started this blob but I've never seriously considered it. I've always just written for enjoyment and therapy. I did look into it briefly and apparently you can publish your blogs on Kindle. So who knows? It certainly couldn't hurt...Either way, I appreciate the encouragement! :)


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