A smile for Liz
I'll admit I've been pretty camera-shy since my surgery. Even though my friends and family are convinced my face looks normal and that my facial weakness is "barely noticeable," I've still refrained from all photo-ops. It's one thing to feel like yourself and another thing entirely to look in the mirror or at a photograph and wonder where you're face went. And then I got my smile back. I've already gushed about how excited I was (and still am!) that I could now flash a toothy grin with the best of them. I finally didn't care that my right eye was still a little dysfunctional or that I was rockin' a crazy hairdo. I could smile again and things were alright with the world. Liz, a fellow AN-er and faithful reader of Awkward Turtles, requested that I post a picture of said smile. So, Liz, this one's for you. I continue to wish you all the best with your upcoming surgery and hope this entry serves as a happy reminder that you'l...