A smile for Liz

I'll admit I've been pretty camera-shy since my surgery. Even though my friends and family are convinced my face looks normal and that my facial weakness is "barely noticeable," I've still refrained from all photo-ops. It's one thing to feel like yourself and another thing entirely to look in the mirror or at a photograph and wonder where you're face went.

And then I got my smile back. 

I've already gushed about how excited I was (and still am!) that I could now flash a toothy grin with the best of them. I finally didn't care that my right eye was still a little dysfunctional or that I was rockin' a crazy hairdo. I could smile again and things were alright with the world. 

Liz, a fellow AN-er and faithful reader of Awkward Turtles, requested that I post a picture of said smile. So, Liz, this one's for you. I continue to wish you all the best with your upcoming surgery and hope this entry serves as a happy reminder that you'll smile again, too.

Happy turtling!


  1. You look GREAT!! Your eyes and smile are so bright and you look so happy : )


  2. And you will look better and better in the next months, and feel better and better too. You have a fantastic smile! :)

  3. Wow, Manders. I am just discovering this post. It brings tears to my eyes that you posted a picture of your beautiful smile. You look fantastic! Thank you so much.


    1. Oh, I'm so happy you finally had a chance to read it! You are more than welcome! It may sound weird, but seeing myself in this picture has been just as helpful to myself as it seems it has been others. We may have gone through a lot but we all come out smiling in the end.
      I hope you are continuing to recover well. Sending hugs and prayers your way! :)


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