More thanks to Mike from the ANA forum for telling me about this hilarious video on YouTube. Literally laughed out loud while I was watching. Hope it brings all of you AN patients and families a little ray of sunshine!
Hello, we're experiencing a possible complication. A spinal tap, labs and ct scan have been ordered to rule out meningitis. We appreciate your continual prayers for Amanda.
I know I've already described what I look like post-surgery but, as the saying goes, the picture is worth a whole lot more. Below are a few snapshots of my various and sundry "battle scars" from going down a round with Iggy. The inside of my right arm. The docs decided this was either from the IV or how I was positioned during surgery. This little guy my mom found on my left ear after surgery. (We also found a matching one on my tailbone.) Again, the docs figured it was because I was lying on it for so long. The incision on my right hip from the fat graft measuring 2 inches And the Big Kahuna itself, also measuring 2 inches wide and running from forehead to nape styling ideas anyone? :)
(dictated by me, typed by big bro) Ookay, folks, it's time. Time to hear all about what really went down behind those OR doors and the subsequent week in the hospital that followed. Be forewarned, I'll not spare any details. So for those of you who may be queasy of heart or mind, you might want to skim this entry. I know that as a person who had never been hospitalized or had major surgery prior to this, I wanted to know everything beforehand. I mean everything . To me, the less surprises I faced once I actually got to the hospital the better. Days 1-2: I won't say too much about the day of surgery as I was only conscious for a few hours of it and my dad already took care of documenting that bit. We arrived at the surgery center a little before 5 and by 5:30 I was registered and heading back to a "holding room" to be prepped. I spent a little over an hour back there getting gowned, IV'd, and barraged by a host of medical questions. The nurses...
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