Quickie update from me!

Hi everyone! I just wanted to hop on since I had a quick minute and let you know that it's looking like I do NOT have meningitis. I know my dad kind of left everyone hanging with his last entry and I just wanted to assure everyone that I am doing well and making good progress. Unfortunately, I found out today that there's been some brain fluid collecting at my incision site so I had to get my pressure bandage put back on which I wasn't too happy about. But I'm trying my best to stay positive and am really hoping to be home by Saturday. :o) Will post again very soon! And HUGE thanks to all of my friends, family and ANA buddies who have continued to be such a great support. Love you guys tons!!


  1. I am glad to hear from you. Your writing is just as it was before the surgery, a good sign to me. Take your time, initially, in recovery. Let us know how you progress when you have the inclination. As they say on the ANA forum, "welcome to the other side."
    See, the day after surgery got here. Good luck form here on, too.

  2. Woohoo! (That's a Texas thang.) Glad to hear from you. Rest up and recover and write when you are up to it.


  3. So glad to here this, I've been checking the blog several times a day. Pressure bandage doesn't sound fun, but are sounds better than meningitis.


  4. Wow, so glad to hear you are doing better!


  5. Good one !! Sending masses of positive energy xo

  6. Great to hear it is going better now and the no meningitis!
    Thr tight dressing is no fun but you will make it thru it!
    Sending good thoughts to you!
    Cheryl R


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